Monday, March 12, 2012

Laura Ingalls Wilder

“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” Timothy 3:16-17

As a child, Laura Ingalls memorized more than one hundred Bible verses to win a competition in church. These and other scriptures became the stabilizing force in her life for the years ahead.

To supplement her family’s scant income, Laura, at age twelve, took a job caring for a sick neighbor. Away from home for the first time, Laura became homesick. Encouraged by scripture to bring every need to God, she prayed and felt “a hovering Presence, a power comforting and sustaining me.”

Laura also needed comfort from God’s Word when her sister Mary lost her eyesight. She leaned on Bible promises when her family moved seven times in ten years. She required divine wisdom when she took her first teaching job at age fifteen. Later came the loss of a child and a home destroyed by fire. In 1911, at age forty-four, she leaned on God’s Word as she began writing for publication. The scripture verses learned as a child profited Laura her entire life.

God never intended for you to face the unknown future without help. He has given the Bible for your profit. It is not too late to begin hiding scripture verses in your heart. In the years ahead, you, too, will need the comfort and help God’s Word offers.

From “Daily Devotions for Women” by Jewell Johnson

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